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Did I mention... 2022

Did I Mention We Are at a Funeral is a short film about distance, loss, and grieving in a digital age. 
Unable to physically connect with your loved ones, we are left with a slightly absurd and scattered image, one that is not easy to process. 

Heimwee/Where are you from? 2021

For this project, I interviewed seven people from migrational backgrounds about homesickness and the feeling of living between two worlds. This process resulted in a two-screen video installation called "Heimwee/Where are you from?"  

For us migrants, homesickness is always something we will carry with us and Where are you from? is not always an easy question to answer...

Call it by it's Name 2018

For this film I interviewed five women about their past traumatic experiences and how talking about them to others, actually vocalizing their stories can help to heal and move forward.
I started this project wanting to make a loud statement but it became an intimate portrait of communication and trust between women.
In the film the women are anonymous. I decided to focus the camera not on their faces but on their hands because hands can often express just as much feeling as a facial expression.
I also used footage of normative-domestic spaces, because a lot of the traumatic incidents the women speak about took place in their homes, behind closed doors.

Displacement and Adaptation 2018

My film “Displacement and Adaptation”  is about the feeling of coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same. About living a life of constant and sometimes forced migration. This is not only my story, for at this present time there are thousands of displaced people around Europe and the world.

In Displacement and Adaptation, you see the monotonous footage, of roads, train stations, airports, trees, and powerlines. Places and things that are everywhere and could be anywhere.
The black and white images are in constant fluctuation so that you cant get a grip on where you are.


Ubiquitous 2018

Ubiquitous is a short poetic film about how if you let nature take its own course, it will grow and evelope everything. All in good time.

Hiding in Plain Sight 2019

A short film about wanting to disappear and fit in at the same time. How am I to make myself comfortable in my new surroundings? Do I adapt or build my own reality?

Filmed during my residency at Sewon Art Space, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


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